Thursday, 30 June 2016

Student Reflections of Maths Sessions - 5b

Jasmine- "l learnt a lot of different strategies."
Aureli " making mistakes grows our brains."
Elise " I learnt arrays."
Ryan " I learnt cooking can be Maths." 
Heath " I learnt doubling and halving and seeing it as an array."
Emma " I learnt about arrays and that maths is everywhere."
Zaina " I learnt new strategies from my peers, I learnt about grams."
Doreen " I learnt more efficient strategies from other kids.  I know my mistakes help me learn."
Mathew " I learnt new strategies that are better than algorithms." I know half of a third in 1/6."
Sunny " I learnt new strategies to use in my classroom." 
Samuel " I learnt that you can use algorithms although there are more efficient strategies." 

Little maths joke for a rainy day....

18 X 5 = ?

Before scrolling down, work this equation out in your head. 

Can you see the strategy you used?? 

Here are Group 5b's strategies.
There is no right way, just a way that works best for you! 

We are now adding arrays to our strategies. 

Student Voice - Continued

Group 13
Kevin says "rainbow maths helped me learn number patterns to 10" " I learnt my family of facts, to help my plus and minus" "the number line is a really good strategy to help me answer problems." "Now I know how to do division."

Ali says " I learnt how to do what's my number with Bodhi" "I  know how to do karate maths with all its signs, it helps me remember the names." "I learnt how to add 49 + 52 = ? - you do 50 + 40 = 90, add on the 9 is 99 and then add 2 more to make 101. Or I can
Change 49 into 50 by adding 1. so it becomes 50 + 51 = 101"

Bodhi says " It made me better with family of facts, it made me learn my times." "whats my number makes me use bigger numbers" "Rainbow maths and Minecraft crafts makes me better at basic facts in the class." " I learnt the practice standards and how I learn Maths." "I use the talk moves to help me learn other peoples strategies."

Sophie says " I now know Maths is all around us." " Making 10, playing closest to 100, cup and stick games all help me with my basic facts and my 10 knowledge" " i Learnt fractions by word problems and drawing on the  board."

Keeley says "I learnt subtraction with high number by using my 10 knowledge."  "sharing lunch problem helped me equally share and learn division." "Maths is a big part of learning, and it can be writing and art, anything really." " I know how to write and draw thirds." " Math problems help me have a story with the numbers, it make it easier."

Group 14

Khan says "Learning about arrays help me with groups and that is what times is" "Whats my number helped me with my subtraction with high numbers." "The games make Maths fun, it makes it easier to learn." " Closest to 100 helped me with my timestables."
"Making 10 was a game to help me learn the different ways."

Arkasha - "Arrays and multi link blocks help with me with my strategies and figuring out my answers." "Helped me see patterns that helped me work out answers." closest to 100, salute and making 10 has helped me learn my basic facts."

Prabhdeep " I learnt my takeaways playing the game 23" "Using the cards helped me with my basic facts to 10 and 20" "Listening to others strategies, helps me."

Shayden " Times is just like plus, adding groups or repeated addition." "I know what a cline is now, it shows smallest to biggest." "putting numbers into groups" " talking with others helps me remember."

Student Voice....

Group 12: 

Dylan says "it is different and I didn't even know i was doing Maths." "We use harder numbers" "When we leave the maths room we have to tell you what we learnt today." "Our mistakes gets our brain bigger." 

Lucy S says " I learnt multiplication by using arrays" "we played games like build me up to learn our basic facts." "whats my number helps me to add and takeaway big numbers." "I enjoy problem solving and we work them out with our strategies then we write it a maths way."

 Regan says "Using arrays help with multiplication" "using the words 'groups of' for multiplication" "Its easier, I don't have to keep on adding on now " 

Isabella says " it feels not like Maths at all, instead you do writing, reading and spelling not just numbers" "I'm getting to national standard now" 

Chloe says- " practicing making tens with the cups, sticks and symbols helped me be more confident with numbers." " Family facts helped me with subtraction and pluses and times" "we found arrays on our ceiling lights and we know 3 groups of 4 is 12 and that means 3 x 4 = 12. 

Group 11: 

Lucy says " It makes me understand better not just the teacher but my classmates too." "I am more confident about Maths, I'm not so nervous to answer Maths questions anymore." "It helps me with my basic facts, because the numbers in our word problems are in our basic fact sheets in the class and I easily know how to answer it." " Maths gets me thinking and when I think I get better at Maths." 

Lizzie says " Maths class has helped me as I get to share my ideas, Maths class helps me by learning things I did not know." I like to share my ideas with my group." 

Faith " Maths helps me learn new things in a different way, like measuring stuff for our pancakes. We also used fractions as part of our measurement." Maths helps me learn my times tables as it is in our word problems." 

Abby says "Its Sad we have to leave" "I have learnt so much."

Prabhdeep's favourite page and reflection

Prabhdeep's favourite page and reflection

Arkasha's Reflection and favourite page

Khan's favourite page and reflection

Shayden's favourite page and Reflection

Kevin's Reflection

Sophie's Reflection

Ali's Reflection

Bodhi's reflection

Keeley's reflection

Lizzie's Reflection

Lucy's reflection

Faith's reflection

Chloe's reflection

Chloe's reflection

Isabella's Reflection

Dylan's Reflection

Regan's reflection

Lucy's reflection

Abby's reflection of her Maths lessons.

Answering our Pizza problem - group 11

How do we share 28 blueberries with 4 friends equally?

Can you see how Eden used repeated subtraction to work out this problem. It links with division. 

She started with 28 blueberries and took away 4 groups of 7. 

Eden could then say
28 divided by 4 = 7

Abby used her family of facts and array knowledge. 

Recipe - take 2

We are modifying our recipes to make them taste a little better and make sure they are just one serving. 

Group 13- sharing their strategies

If 3/4 of the class does understand the question. What fraction of the class doesn't the question? 

Sophie is showing what 3/4 looks like. 

Group 13 continued....

Revision for group 12

Playing bingo - with a twist 

Here are some of our questions... 
Our winner today

Basic fact revision - group 14

Using any operation (addition, subtraction, division and multiplication) to make a given number. 

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Group 11's strategy today

If 6 children are wearing jumpers and that is 1/3 of the class.  How many in the whole class? 
Lizzie used her multiplication knowledge to work this out. 
3x 6= 18

Abby recorded this as 1/3 of 18 = 6 

Eden knows 
1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 3/3 or 1 whole. 
6 + 6 + 6 = 18

There are eighteen children in the whole class.