Tuesday 9 August 2016

Special Interest Group 20a - Baking a better Bikkie

Day 1:
Costing the ingredients and dividing the recipes in half. 

We have three recipes, which will be the cheapest to produce?? 
- jam drops
- choc chip cookies
- smarties cookies 

DAY 2: Learning in action:

Jerry  - I have learnt that 1000g is in one kilogram.
Rosie - I learnt that you can half the price by halving the ingredients.  I learnt how to round numbers.
Joe - I learnt I can use what I know to solve new problems. When I needed to divide 200 by 5 it is just 5 x __ = 200.  I know 5 x 4 = 20 so 5 x 40 = 200.
Dorris - I learnt that the chocolate chip cookies are the cheapest to make.
Benjamin - I learnt to add up prices.  I also know how to work out  24 x 4 = __
24 + 24 = 48 and double 48 is 96.  I learnt that prices can be just sums numbers.
Karol - I learnt that you could halve the cost to work the price of items.
Marco and Raymond - I learnt how much ingredients actually cost.
Grace - I learnt how to solve money problems and add up the costs.
Henry - I learnt how to halve large numbers ie I know half of 300 is 150.

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